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Frequently Asked


What is "Excess" Carbon Fiber?

It is carbon fiber in any form or combined in any mixture which in its existing state, quantity or location does not have enough value to be consumed by the owner or user in their operations. Historically this material has been referred to as scrap.

How much excess carbon fiber is generated annually

Globally about 30 million pounds or roughly an amount equal to about 20-25% of annual total consumption in 2015.

Why such a high scrap rate and is that rate coming

Because carbon fiber provides unparalleled physical and mechanical properties, it is specified in some of the most demanding, complex and high value applications known. Compared to mass materials such as steel and aluminum, the downstream processing and applications scales are many, many times smaller so processing is not feasible for waste reduction pay back. Also, carbon fiber is nearly always combined with complex chemistries in forming parts such that any scrap generated is no longer in a form that can be considered for reintegration into the upstream process.